An Historic Journey



With many thanks to the Stafford Historical Society, we’ve been piecing together information on our beautiful building. It took some digging because our little building is tucked into the center of Main Street and as such, is rarely (if ever) prominent in existing photos. Records from that time are also sketchy due to fires, floods, swamp monsters and whatever else can destroy historical town records.

We first appear in photos of the 1888 Blizzard, along with the newly rebuilt Middle Ground (Warren Block) Building. It’s usually too blurry to read our signs, but clear enough to know that it is us!

We did however find one picture with readable signs and that gave us enough keywords to find the original builder and intent. That in turn led to many delightful paths of the shops that moved in and out over the next hundred and fifty years.

1884 CENTRAL BLOCK (before the fire)